TexPlus Foundation
The TexPlus Foundation is a cooperation between 6 frontrunners in the field of circular textiles. From collection to processing and manufacturing of end products; the entire value chain is represented in the foundation. The objective of the TexPlus Foundation is to connect the value chain from collection to reuse. This is done by stimulating the reuse of textile products and using innovative techniques to recycle non-reusable textile products to the highest possible quality, actively involving the market in the development and application of recycled textile materials.
The Dutch national transition agenda for consumer goods pays a lot of attention to textiles. The ‘Dutch Circular Textile Valley’ is named as an iconic project. The Dutch Circular Textile Valley has been named as an iconic project. Its objective is to bundle knowledge and activities in various regions in order to increase knowledge about circular textiles and to embed it in society. In the transition agenda for consumer goods, the wish is expressed to start a pilot for recycling and circularity in Twente. This pilot will be initiated by TexPlus.